Apple Factory Issues: Reaction

The Apple factory conditions should not be news to those of us in the social sphere. Twitter trending, blog posts and Facebook comments have alerted a lot of the public to the conditions for workers at Apple’s overseas plants. This infographic, courtesy of helps illuminate the realities that these workers face.

With a crisis such as this surfacing, it is important to take a minute to discuss possible outcomes. When I took the issue to my PR management class, everyone was skeptical that Apple sales would change as a result of this news. The overseas nature of this crisis allows consumers to feel that disconnect between a company and its workers.

Another issue that has arisen is the petitioning. This specific petition highlights the desire for Mac users to feel proud that they own Mac products. As a Mac user myself, I now feel guilt every time I pick up my computer or phone. However, is that enough to make me stop using it?

The sad truth is that my answer is no. I will continue to use my Macbook and iPhone simply because they work better than anything else on the market (at least in my opinion). That is the kicker on this issue for Apple sales vs. worker ethics. When you have quality to boast about, along with a large market share, how else can the public react?

Think responsibly!